- Between the ages of 18 and 24?
- Experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless very soon?
- Interested in supportive services that are focused on getting you housed?
You may qualify for our Young Adult Rapid Re-housing (YARR).
What is YARR?
VOANNE’s YARR is proud to be Maine’s first statewide youth homeless service provider.
YARR is an initiative designed to prevent and end Young Adult (YA) homelessness. Our YARR team carries out this mission by providing housing-focused supportive services to homeless YA ages 18-24 throughout the entire state of Maine.
Each YA works with our Housing Coordinator to create an individualized housing plan that addresses 3 key areas: housing identification, move-in support, and maintaining housing.
This program partners with Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) provided by MaineHousing and landlords throughout the state of Maine to secure affordable apartments with YA who are ready and willing to do the work to attain independence. YARR offers Rent Smart training to all program participants.
While enrolled in this program YA have the opportunity to regularly meet with and utilize our Housing Coordinator and Peer Support to address client-driven housing needs and goals for up to 24 months. Our team can support YA in developing the skills necessary to maintain housing through connections to education, employment, job training, counseling, social service assistance, access to benefits, community resources, referrals to providers, support system development, landlord relationships, lease renewal, MaineHousing coordination, and annual voucher recertification.
Each year, our team aims to assist 25 YA on their housing journey.
YARR Team:
The YARR team is committed to honoring YA choice, fair housing, housing first, nondiscrimination, low barrier access, evidence-based practices, trauma-informed care, and positive youth development. The YARR team includes a Program Manager, Housing Coordinator, and Peer Support. Our team is listed below with some of their responsibilities.
- Lead Housing Coordinator – Jessica Sanfasin: Program management, coordinated entry, assessment/intake, voucher application
- Housing Coordinator: MaineHousing & voucher coordination, housing search, applications, lease-up, move-in, continued support, and referrals/connection to resources.
- Peer Support: Peer support, RentSmart training, resource, and donations coordination.
Where can I get YARR Services?
The YARR team provides support to YA statewide. This means YA can be anywhere in Maine when they start working with us and we can help them with housing anywhere in Maine they choose to live.
Meetings are held virtually so YA do not have to worry about transportation or getting to a specific location at a certain time to meet with us. Our team is available by phone, email, and Zoom/virtual platforms, which allows us to be more flexible and accessible.
How long are YARR Services?
YA are enrolled in YARR once MaineHousing approves the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV). Once approved our YARR supportive services are available for up to 24 months.
MaineHousing Vouchers can be used for as long as the YA needs and qualifies. YA can keep the voucher even after this program ends.
Click here for more information about the Housing Choice Voucher.
Who qualifies for YARR services?
- Young Adults ages 18-24
- Willingness to work with the YARR team.
- Meet 1 of the HUD eligibility criteria of homelessness.
- Literal Homelessness – Currently experiencing homelessness.
- Imminent risk of being homeless within 14 days
- Actively fleeing or attempting to flee dangerous situations related to violence that has taken place in their home or made them afraid to return home, including lack of other residence and resources or support networks to obtain permanent housing.
Our team will work with YA to determine if they meet MaineHousing HCV requirements and are eligible for a voucher. Documentation for all household members, income information, and current living situation help to figure out if they are eligible and ready to apply or not.
MaineHousing – Housing Choice Voucher Requirements
- United States citizens or select non-citizens who have eligible immigration status
- Consent for background check
- Income limits
- Income limit guide – Effective April 1, 2024
- Documentation: Physical forms are required for all household members
- Birth Certificate
- State ID/license or passport
- Social Security Card
- Income (Four weeks of pay stubs, TANF, SNAP, SSI, SSDI)
Click here for a list of accepted documentation
How can I access YARR?
YA who would like to be considered for this program (and other youth programs) will need to complete the Youth Coordinated Entry Assessment. For more information about Youth Coordinated entry and where you can be assessed please see below.
Once assessed, YA are added to a prioritization list. When there is an opening within a program that meets their needs the YA will be contacted by that provider.
YARR WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MOVE FORWARD WITH A YA UNTIL ALL DOCUMENTATION IS RECEIVED. Please make sure you have documentation for all household members. See above for the list of accepted documentation.

YARR referrals are only accepted through the Youth Coordinated Entry System (YCES).
View the YARR Coordinated Entry Referral Policy and Procedures
Homeless Youth and Young Adults (YYA) who are 24 or younger are eligible for youth services. All YYA who would like to be referred to youth homeless services must be assessed and prioritized by the statewide Youth Coordinated Entry System (YCES). Maine’s YCES is designed to identify, engage, assess, and assist all youth experiencing homelessness. The standardized assessment tool collects the information needed to prioritize and match individuals to appropriate housing resources.
Housing resources are offered to individuals based on their unique needs and preferences. When a service matching the individual’s needs becomes available the local Hub coordinator will refer to the appropriate service/program.
Access points for the Youth Coordinated Entry assessment are located within each service Hub.
To be assessed by a member of our team click here to fill out the online form.
Mainstream Coordinated Entry
Individuals over the age of 18 are eligible for adult homeless services through the Mainstream Coordinated Entry System. By completing both assessments, the individual would be eligible for any youth or adult services that become available.
Please visit the DHHS website for a list of Mainstream housing supports and services.
For more information about Mainstream Coordinated Entry or getting the assessment done please get in touch with your local Hub coordinator, access point/shelter, or call 211.
Please do not submit a referral to YARR unless your local Hub coordinator has contacted you with a program opening.
For immediate access to resources call 211 or visit
- Maine Shelter List – Find a shelter in your area
- MaineHousing – Maine Community Action Agency Contacts
- MaineHousing – Rental guide with resources, program, and voucher description
- MaineHousing – Housing assistance
- MaineHousing – Rent Smart training
- Maine’s YARR Coordinated Community Plan
- Maine Continuum of Care (Coc)
- Maine Youth Action Board (YAB)
- HUD – Federal housing grants
Our YHDP team is available to answer any questions and assist with both assessments.
Please email or call Jessica at (207) 355-5829.