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Public Notice / Request for Proposals

Volunteers of America Northern New England (VOA) is requesting proposals to provide Construction Management Services for a new 36-unit affordable housing facility for adults 55+ located on 56 School Street in Waldoboro, Maine. Read more…

Chelsea grants final approval for Cabin in the Woods project

The approval clears the way for Volunteers of America to build cabins for homeless veterans on the Togus campus. Officials from Chelsea and Volunteers of America have reached an agreement on taxes for the Cabin in the Woods project, clearing the way for a new type of housing for homeless veterans. The project, which will build permanent housing for veterans who are homeless or on the verge of being so on the VA Maine Healthcare Systems—Togus campus in Chelsea, will make annual payments of $5,000 for 15 years in lieu of taxes. Bill Butler, the code enforcement officer for the…

Cabin in the Woods Becomes a Reality

Cabin in the Woods: Construction begins early 2017 “We can’t believe a program like this is being built. We need it in Maine. We need it everywhere!,” said a WWII Veteran at a recent American Legion dinner, “Vets, especially senior and disabled vets, need and deserve our help. They put their lives on the line for us.” These are words we are hearing everywhere as news spreads about a spring 2017 groundbreaking for our Cabin in the Woods program. We have a 75 year lease from Togus for 11 acres of wooded land, and final, approved drawings from Portland architect…

Plan to build cabins for homeless Maine veterans wins strong support

AUGUSTA, Maine — Lawmakers on the Legislature’s Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development Committee on Thursday gave unanimous support to a bill that would provide up to $1 million in state funds to help launch a project that would build up to 21 cabins for homeless veterans. The bill, LD 1062, sponsored by Rep. Jared Golden, D-Lewiston, is meant to jump-start the Cabin in the Woods project, which is being headed by Volunteers of America and would be located on the Veterans Administration Togus medical campus, which sits on land in Augusta and Chelsea. The amendment is aimed at allaying concerns from…